As a leader in your industry,  it’s likely that you have run across the term emotional intelligence, which is chiefly about the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.

To truly be transformative one has to go beyond grasping and dealing with emotions. By choosing how you are being means putting the past in the past where it belongs and not letting it create your future for you. If you choose how you are being and have integrity top to bottom, nothing will stop, defeat or discourage you.

I was inspired by a recent blog by Bram Krommenhoek on Medium titled, The Sure Fire Way to Startup Success, but this can apply to you no matter if you are a CEO for a startup or a multi-national corporation.

In it, he talks about what negative people will do to you and what successful entrepreneurs do — the exact opposite. They:

Krommenhoek includes a brilliant video ad done by Apple in 1997 that talks about the “crazy ones” who push the human race forward and change the world. What you invest in others, has a direct impact not only on their lives but on the ways you build a business that stands the test of time.